Is Turpentine & Castor Oil Dangerous? ⚠️Turpentine Cleanse Recipe

When one is exposed to toxins, the body becomes an ideal breeding ground for parasites. So an important stage in heavy metal detoxification is killing off these opportunistic organisms living in your gut and feed off of your life force.

One of the many ways you can do this is by taking turpentine and castor oil. Since both are heavily used in chemical industries, you are probably wondering if ingesting these oils can be harmful to your health.

I found out about these powerful natural remedies at about eight months into my healing journey. Around that time, I have already gone through a lot of work to get rid of my parasites. This combination definitely made a mark; I instantly felt the systemic effect in my body as soon as I started taking it.

In the video I go into detail about the benefits of using turpentine oil, how to mix this healing modality with castor oil for optimum results, and the dosage that works for me. This will be the first in a series of videos where I share everything that I know about parasites. If you can reduce toxicity, get rid of parasites, and replenish the nutrients in your body, you will able to be the person you need to be on this planet.

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Turpentine oil comes from distilled resin from pine trees. A solvent and main source of materials for organic synthesis, it is commonly used in the production of insecticides, resins, camphor, and synthetic pine oil. But for decades, turpentine oil has also been a common home remedy for stomach ailments, infections, and inflammations. It is antiseptic, diuretic, and well known for its healing properties when it comes to intestinal parasites such as candida and tapeworms.

Dr. Jennifer Daniels is one of the biggest advocates in using turpentine oil as a healing modality. She recommends orally taking a mixture of turpentine oil with fine white sugar or sugar cubes. According to her, the sugar lures the parasites out while the turpentine oil kills them off. Her method has been tried and tested by many.

Personally, mixing turpentine oil with castor oil worked best for me. Castor oil is used in manufacturing paints, soaps, inks, nylon, textiles, and lubricants, to name a few. But it is also powerful natural remedy that has been used for generations. The oil comes from cold pressing seeds from the castor plant. It has amazing anti-inflammatory, blood circulation, digestive, skin healing, and many other therapeutic properties. Moreover, castor oil is also a laxative, which is always great when you are trying to flush parasites out of your system.

Guidelines in Taking Turpentine & Castor Oil

- To ensure effectiveness, only use the highest quality of organic turpentine and castor oil. I personally recommend Diamond G 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine.

- Take a teaspoon of turpentine oil and a heaping tablespoon of castor oil ideally on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I generally do not suggest doing any parasite protocols at night because it may disrupt your sleeping pattern.

- For this cleansing method, ideally, take the said dose for five days and then take two days off. Do this for several weeks followed by a maintenance period of only doing it once a week.

- Take things slow. Taking these oils could either make you feel like a disaster or make you feel better instantly. Devote a day to it and observe the results.

- Parasites live in the intestinal tract. Boost the effectiveness of ingesting castor oil by putting it in capsules and freezing it. The frozen encapsulated oil will pass through your stomach and small intestine before it starts dissolving. This also makes the otherwise unpleasant taste more tolerable.

- While these are natural oils, you may experience discomfort or side effects depending on your current condition. For example, castor oil should not be taken by pregnant women as it may induce labor. Seek the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or other procedures.

I created a free Facebook support group for anyone who is taking this detoxing journey. Simply click here to join.

candida, castor oil, parasite detoxification, turpentine oil, turpentine for detox, turpentine for parasites

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