The people have spoken.


Praises of My Work

This is what my clients have to say about my work

Written Testimonials

This is what my clients have written about my work

"So all I have to say is that Josh is an absolutely great coach. He really cares about the client and about him getting better. He always responds really fast to all questions and is in general very helpful. I can only recommend to everybody working with him, especially if someone is suffering from heavy metal toxicity or environmental toxicity in general, but I guess all of us are suffering from that to some extent. I was already working on heavy metal detox before I started working with Josh, but his program gave me some missing links, his protocol is really good and extensive, and some parts of it are really helpful, as many other heavy metal detox protocols don´t include some of these important parts, which can make all the process a lot easier… These parts of heavy metal detox protocol that I added while working with Josh have helped me a lot. Of course I still have a lot of work to do, but so far I feel I am on the right path:) I think a lot of this stuff is so powerful because it comes from Josh´s own experience, not just from some books or anything like that…”

Liza Fischer


"Josh,, I hope you're feeling the positive energy flow of this month like I am. I'm writing to you on Labor Day to say thanks for all your hard work over the past four months. Because of your protocol and coaching, I feel lighter and I've got a lucidity in my head that I haven't felt for 20+ years. I appreciate your time, patience and kindness in helping me get thru the tunnel. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you”.

Carolyn Nardiello

Long Island, NY

“Another thing, good news, this week are going great things, I look at myself in the mirror and I see myself again, I can go out again, I can listen to music, I can stay with my friends, this medicine is spectacularly powerful. I still can not believe it, I've had such a bad time these past few years, and in just 26 days I'm fine, I do not want to imagine how I'll be in 80 days. Thanks josh. We did it. You saved my life.”

Jandro Carrele


“This dude among a very few others I know of are presenting the most transformational detox known to this planet. It works in such a profound way in a short time you will realize that all most of the healthy stuff you did, from foods to various forms of therapy wasn't really working in a lasting way. This works. I'm doing it myself. It's changing and healing me on so many levels I have cried of joy many times. My ability to let the fuck go and have a free mind is dramatically changed. My health too, no more grumpy mornings or bad sleep. I'm in my best health ever after 4 months doing this. I wake up every morning feeling thankful and truly happy. I'm a better mother too. I have tried many different diets, therapies and philosophies throughout the years. With the hand on my heart nothing has been more powerful than this. Cheers to amazing health and a loving mind!”

Silvia Di Nicola

Palo Alto, CA

“I am more than happy to write this for Josh. It is the least I can do. I am so grateful for having stumbled across The Detox Dudes. I have been feeling tired and extremely anxious for such a long time now. Despite having done a lot of research myself and consulting numerous doctors I still felt stressed out all the time for no reason. Since starting Josh's coaching I have discovered I have leaky gut, hypothyroidism and pyroluria!! The reason I have been feeling so crazy all these years. 3 months on the programme and I don't have anxiety anymore. For me this alone has made my life. There is nothing more precious than inner peace and happiness. This you cannot have when you are full of toxins and your systems are not functioning properly. Josh's programme is the real deal. Well explained and backed up with research by the worlds most renowned specialists in the field. I sincerely thank you Josh with all my heart.

Jenifer Bernard

Nice, France

“Feeling great!  Seriously, man, thank you for all the help.  I can tell it's really causing deep shifts in my health and energy levels.   I'm starting to feel some real positive change in the mental stuff.  Your recommendation for thyroid was key!  Totally grateful, dude.   I'm feeling really good.  It's been awesome to easily get up to hunt before the sunrise every day for the last week.  A year ago, I was a wreck after the hunting trip and had to miss several morning hunts because I had to sleep.  This year, I was able to handle the lack of sleep and the intensity of harvesting and butchering 3 deer with no issues at all.  I am very grateful for all your help in getting my good health back.  I'm stoked to see how far I can take it.  I'm feeling better than I did when I thought I was healthy 4 or 5 years ago …. His experience and knowledge has been incredibly valuable to me.  I believe in it so much that I would literally recommend doing whatever it takes to afford the full program.  Now that I know the results, I'd be willing to sell my car, sell my house, rent a shack…  whatever it would take to get me to the health I experience every day now.  I'm not even exaggerating!”

Kyle Miller

Seattle, WA

“Hi Josh, I wanted to drop you a quick message to say thank you. I saw you at the infinite man summit. Your speech was truly inspirational and you convinced me to get my mercury amalgams removed. I didn’t realise I was poisoned. I had massive mood swings, a constant brain fog, my short term memory was barely functioning. Since I got my mercury amalgams removed the mood swings are completely gone, my brain is functioning again and my short term memory is improving. I feel amazing, it’s all thanks to you! I have been using your supplement suggestions, I go to the sauna every day, I do colonics… I’m doing everything to excrete this shit out of my system. I was poisoned for so long I thought it was my normal state. I could barely function, now I’m full of energy, full of joy, my thoughts are clear, I’m starting a business… I never felt so good in my life! It’s all thanks to you. Thank you, thank you with all my heart.”

Jean Francois P.

United Kingdom

The Detox Dudes in the Media

Check out articles, videos, and interviews I've done with publications worldwide.

BusinessLifeHacks video podcast with Josh Strawczynski.

The IncreaseLife Podcast Episode 3 – Detoxing Depression with Josh Macin

Solving Problems by Blaming OthersSteve Pavlina's experience with detoxification

Anarchast Episode 337 video podcast with The Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick

The Medical System is A Sham – Video Clip from Infinite Man Summit

How to Tell if You Have a Healthy Brain – By Steve Pavlina

WOKE.AS Podcast Detoxing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with Sasha Daygame

Healevate – Could Mercury Poisoning Be Robbing You of Your Health

Anarchast Episode 364 video podcast with The Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick

Live to 110 PodcastEpisode #221 – with Wendy Myers

Healing Powers Podcast with Laura Powers

Chatting with a Mercury Poisoning Survivor w/ Andrew Hales (LAHWF)

Sivana Podcast w/ Brett Larkin


Jairek Robbins (Tony Robbins son) on What The World Needs More Of

Transformation Talk Radio w/ Mike Murphy

Me on Other YouTube Channels

Check out my Youtube Channel

Here are some of my YouTube favorites

Foods To Avoid if You Have Chronic Illness, Viruses, Depression

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.  You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise qualified healthcare

How To Recover From Ejaculation

Cosmic Pat On the Back: Our genetic and biological mission here as human beings is to survive and replicate. When we release our DNA into a tissue, we are basically saying to ourselves “Good job today buddy. You did it! Congratulations! Now go rest because you did what you had to do today. You don’t need to better yourself today, or go after what you want, because you did it!”

Heal Yoself from Depression, Viruses, Chronic Fatigue

Not sure where to start? Feeling lost or overwhelmed? Want to dive deeper? I made this free course for you 🔥➡️

Is Detox A Scam? | Only For Hippies?

Not sure where to start? Feeling lost or overwhelmed? Want to dive deeper? I made this free course for you 🔥➡️

Check out The Free Macin Podcast, and listen to incredible conversations about life, love, and detoxing.

Get the Whole Masterclass

This is just the tip of the iceberg. My whole masterclass covers the thorough aspects of detoxing, supplementation, body movement, meal planning, and a whole lot more.

FREE Detox Training

Join The Mastermind

Learn About The Most Cutting-Edge Detox Techniques in the World

Work With Me 1-On-1

Want to work with me 1 on 1? This site only represents a fraction of the weapons I have in my arsenal. Go straight to the source for maximum growth and Private Facebook Community.

Got Questions? Let's Talk.

I'm here to support you on your journey to highest potential. Let me know if you have any questions about the process, my master class, coaching packages, or anything you want to know.

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